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impact today

Ways to give

LivinU is a nonprofit which relies 100% on the contributions and prayers of donors and the events we offer to parishes, schools and other organizations.

If you have been impacted by Brandon and LivinU Ministry, we ask you to prayerfully consider a reoccurring donation here or one of the options linked below to support and grow the ministry.

Contribute to books and prayer materials to help teens build their own home chapel.

Campaign to support the transportation and travel requirements of the mission.

Contribute to materials used for events and ministry activities.



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Hear a testimony of our Ministry


  • All donations to LivinU go to our business account for ministry purposes. Moneys collected are meant to support the ministry and growth efforts of the organization.

  • LivinU needs more than just financial giving. We need the prayers and support of faithful Catholics for the youth of our time. All evangelization, catechesis, discipleship and formation efforts are only possible through the power of prayer and the graces of the Holy Spirit.

    LivinU also loves being able to connect with new parishes and ministries who would have opportunities to work with them. Please connect with Brandon to help make new connections to grow the ministry.

  • Yes, LivinU has need of other supplies to make ministry possible a full list of supplies, see the link here .